The lastBette Midler 貝蒂蜜德勒(1979年)The rose Bette Midler Some say love, it is a river  that drowns the tender 燒烤reed Some say love, it is a razor  that leaves your soul to bleed Some say love, it is a hunger  an endless 居酒屋aching need I say love is a flower And you, it's only seed It's the heart afraid of breaking  that never 室內裝潢learns to dance It's the dream afraid of waking  that never takes the chance It's the one who won't be 西服taken  who can not seem to give And the soul afraid of dying  that never learns to live When the night has been 襯衫too lonely And the road has been too long And you think that love is only for the  lucky and the strong Just 貸款remember in the winter Far beneath the bitter snow lies the seed That with the sun's love in the spring becomes 土地買賣the rose 對 阿我該說的都說完了 沒什麼可以再說了 這是最後一首歌 我知道 你聽不董 沒關係 我懂就好了!!! ^^ 就醬啦 代償!!! 最後一次 之後ˇ 真的把你趕出去  請你搬家 雖然我知道我根本做不到!!! 就這樣~~ 最後一個月的花嫁 很好看 ~~ 買屋是不是 ?. 

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